Standards contributions
V. Heinrich, R. Winter, “Stateless Reverse Traceroute”, (internet draft, 00 version 2024-05-31, 01 version 2024-06-03, 02 version 2024-07-07, 03 version 2024-08-28)
V. Heinrich, R. Winter, “Reverse Traceroute”, (internet draft, 00 version 2022-09-05, 01 version 2023-02-16, 02 version 2023-08-19, 03 version 2024-05-28, 04 version 2024-06-03)
Conference Papers
- J. Romann, “Bridging the Gap to the Web of Things. On the Conversion between WoT Data Models and the Semantic Definition Format”, In: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Semantic Web on Constrained Things, 27–46. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Hersonissos, Greece: CEUR, 2023.
- V. Heinrich, R. Winter, “Towards a Stateless Reverse Traceroute Protocol”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Next-Generation Networking and Internet Symposium, 2024.
- J. Romann, H. H. Damer, T M Rayhan Gias, O. Bergmann, “Leveraging Information-Centric Edge Computing in Private 5G Cellular Networks via the W3C Web of Things”, CCNC 2025: 4th International workshop on IoT interoperability and the web of things (IIWOT’25). Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2025.
- T. Neubert, R. Winter, J. Winkler, “On The Evolution of Home Gateways”, International Teletraffic Congress ITC 36, Trondheim, 2025
- R. Winter, V. Heinrich, “There AND back - designing reverse traceroute”, DENOG14, 2022-11-15, video
- R. Winter, V. Heinrich, “Supercharging Traceroute”, IETF 115, 2022-11-06, video
- V. Heinrich, “Reverse Traceroute”, IETF 118, 2023-11-09, video
- V. Heinrich, “Ah, This Is How Packets Get Here! Measuring Reverse Paths on the Public Internet”, RIPE 87, 2023-11-28, video
- R. Winter, “Stateless Reverse Traceroute”, IETF 120, 2024-07-24, video
- R. Winter “Nomadische Netze - Zwischen exotischem Grenzfall und Einstieg”, 2024-10-07, Tage der Digitalen Technologien 2014
- R. Winter, “Stateless Reverse Traceroute”, IETF 121, 2024-11-06, video
- S. Graf, “Middleware für die automatisierte Nutzung von Edge-Ressourcen in Campus-Netzwerken”, 5G.NRWeek Jahreskonferenz, 2024-11-21
- M. Mailand, “Konnektivität als tragende Säule der Digitalisierung”, Roadshow „Die Zukunft der Industrieautomatisierung – 5G-Campusnetze, KI und Edge Computing im Einsatz“
- A reverse traceroute client and server implementation (V. Heinrich, University of Applied Sciences Augsburg), Github
- Eclipse Thingweb dart_wot, W3C Web of Things implementation for the Dart/Flutter ecosystem (University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer), Github
- IceFlow, NDN-based stream processing library written in C++ (University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer), Github.
Press releases
- University of Applied Sciences Augsburg press release; 2022-06-13
- University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer press release; 2022-04-12
- Xantaro press release; 2022-04-07
MAVERIC in the media
- Hochschule Augsburg startet 1,8 Millionen Euro schweres 5G-Forschungsprojekt; B4B Schwaben; 2022-06-22
- 5G-Netz zum Mitnehmen; SPS Magazin; 2022-05-06
- 5G-Projekt für Industrie entwickelt; Emder Zeitung; 2022-04-14
- Hochschule Emden entwickelt 5G-Projekt für Industrie; NWZ Online; 2022-04-14
- HS Emden und Lürssen forschen zu mobilem 5G-Netz im Schiffbau; HANSA; 2022-04-14
Exhibitions (as exhibitor)
- Mobile 5G Campus Network, Technologie Transferkongress, 2024-03-20
- Mobile 5G Campus Network, Tag der digitalisierten Produktion, 2024-10-10
- Mobile 5G Campus Network, 5G.NRWeek Jahreskonfrenz 2024, 20024-11-21
- Mobile 5G Campus Network and Drone, Roadshow „Die Zukunft der Industrieautomatisierung – 5G-Campusnetze, KI und Edge Computing im Einsatz“, 2025-01-30
- Reverse Traceroute: It’s just traceroute, but the other direction; APNIC Podcast; 2023-03-29
- Troubleshooting the other half; Blog Post; APNIC blog; 2023-03-01
- 1st place at the Funkenwerk Award 2023, Received for the mobile 5G network, built by the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg as part of the project